Order from overseas
- We are happy to announce that we now ship internationally.
- Term of use
- For international shipping, please make a request from e-mail (hajimekinokoshop@gmail.com).
*Over sea orders can not be conformed from our shopping cart.
I am sorry, we accept only Japanese or English.
- Delivery
- We offer our international shipping via EMS(Express Mail Service) or YAMATO TRANSPORT CO., LTD..
For information on delivery fee and times, please check Japan Post or YAMATO TRANSPORT website.
We now ship internationally over 120 destinations.
- Shipping Fee
- It follows the fare of EMS(Express Mail Service) or YAMATO TRANSPORT. There will be a 3,000 yen processing fee for deliveries to international shipping in addition to the shipping fee. When you order over 10,000 yen, the processing fee of 3,000 yen for international shipping will be free. In some countries/regions there may be other costs such as customs clearance fees and import tax for which the customer is responsible.
- How to order
- Please fill in the required fields and send it from e-mail (hajimekinokoshop@gmail.com).
・Item's name
・Number of Item
・Shipping country
・Address ・Name
・Phone number
- Payment
- We currently accept Paypal for select destinations. We will ship items after confirming your payment.
- Returns and Exchanges
- We cannot accept any cancellation once your order has been placed. We also cannot accept any returns or exchanges due to your personal preference.
*Please make sure you input a right address. For wrong address, customer is responsible for all shipping charges of returned items.
> ORDER HERE(hajimekinokoshop@gmail.com)