あの衝撃作「Red」シリーズの続編が完全版「Perfect Red」として発売!
今を駆けるロープアーティストHajime Kinokoのまさに代表作と呼ぶに相応しい出来栄えです。
なんと、こちらのOfficial Shopで購入していただくと、Hajime Kinokoの直筆サイン入りでお送りします!
“Perfect Red” is the sequel to Hajime Kinoko’s electrifying art book, “Red”. It will include Hajime’s Kinoko’s previous “Red” series of photos along with his latest work.
The Red series has been garnering attention worldwide, and has distinguished Hajime Kinoko as the best representative of rope art.
Price: 8,000yen
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